Seriously, could he be any more adorable? I am asking a question hoping you will respond (as if we were at a coffee shop), but I am not sure you will speak, an effort to speed things up, I will answer for you. "He is the Best!!!!" I love him with all my heart, and I feel so lucky to have him in my life.I know....who could love her husband the way I do? (Hmmm...another question knowing that you won't answer) I have never seen anyone care so much.
How do I know I love him you ask? (I actually asked the question in my fictitious coffee person's voice) [please insert quirky voice]
Let me start by saying this - First of all....there are three things to test whether you love you man!!!!
1. Awkward Test - This is a test that you need to pass when you are at lunch with someone and they are talking about their relationships. Everything they say about their husband/wife, you sort of cringe because you don't have that problem. I wish I could commiserate with them, but I JUST CANT! I usually just shup up and listen. I figure that it isn't helping anyone to talk about Brandon. Guys can't measure up and Girls cannot him him. He is mine. - PASS
2. Hotness Test - This test is a little more tricky. Obviously, I am biased, but I actually think that I pass this test too. Sometimes when I am at work, my sweetness (oh...I call him lots of adorable names) walks in without letting anyone know. My heart goes pitter patter and almost does belly flops on the ground. " out!!! I dont want you to step on my heart...please back up ma'am!" Seriously, I am surprised that I don't lose more body parts when I see him. So, as you can see [hands I am pointing to my heart], I melt when I see him. - PASS
3. Sickness Test - Although there was this one incident when my ear was about to fall off and the drums were going to split in 5 - and he didn't go to the hospital with me - and he ended up sleeping, I am here to say that he is amazing. He would do anything for me. He buys female protective period things for me with a pint of ice cream. He would heat up the best TheraFlu you could ever possibly imagine. He would build a fire out of rolled up newspaper and US Weekly Magazines (only after he had read it first) to keep me warm. He would gut the stomach of a dingo in Australia if he knew that it would provide me sustenance in a really tough time. (Although, how would we be in Australia if we were struggling?). Regardless of everything that I mentioned, the fact is........HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR ME!!!!!! - PASS
As you can see [picture whoever you want across from you], I am really lucky and just happy to be alive. It is so fun to be with him and I cannot wait for the future. Holy Shit.........please pinch me, 'cause this isn't real, IS IT?????
I FELT THAT!!! OUCH!!! It is real! :)
Thanks for coming to listen to me [insert person again]. So, tell me about your husband now?
[Silence ensues]