Friday, March 6, 2009

have you ever...

Chardonnay (you will find that real names have been removed from my posts so everyone is nicknamed) is my best friend in Las Vegas and we email during the day. One funny thing she has showed me is this tradition she started with her mom, that we do as well now. We will write in the title of the email... "have you ever" which will be followed by a funny and/or embarrassing or ridiculous story in which we reveal something that we usually wouldn't tell... and then end it by saying... "neither have I" as if we would NEVER do that, or have ANYTHING remotely like that happen to us. We always share funny stories this way.

The one I sent to her yesterday was:

have you ever...

Gotten a flat tire a few days earlier, and then had your husband put said tire on top of the recycling bin and then when he is out of town, and it is the day for recycling, you have to take the very heavy tire off of the bin and then use all of your strength to hoist it back up inside the bin (getting your hands all black), then fight the snowy, windy, icy driveway in 4 inch heels to haul the heavy bin to the curb and drive off to work, already a bit late.... And so you call your husband to tell him how hard it was and how proud he should be of you ...only to find out that the RIM WAS STILL ON THE TIRE, but since it was so heavy, and you couldn't flip it over- you couldn't SEE the other side where it would have been obvious, and now you have to go back and take it out of the recycling bin- SOOO HEAVY and dirty- and by the way he is LAUGHING at you for not realizing the rim was on the tire...

Neither have I.
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Today my have you ever is:

Have you ever had your husband get on your laptop and "ghostwrite" a post???

In his defence- everything he said was true :)

My Husband is So Great!!!

Seriously, could he be any more adorable? I am asking a question hoping you will respond (as if we were at a coffee shop), but I am not sure you will speak, an effort to speed things up, I will answer for you. "He is the Best!!!!" I love him with all my heart, and I feel so lucky to have him in my life.
I know....who could love her husband the way I do? (Hmmm...another question knowing that you won't answer) I have never seen anyone care so much.

How do I know I love him you ask? (I actually asked the question in my fictitious coffee person's voice) [please insert quirky voice]

Let me start by saying this - First of all....there are three things to test whether you love you man!!!!

1. Awkward Test - This is a test that you need to pass when you are at lunch with someone and they are talking about their relationships. Everything they say about their husband/wife, you sort of cringe because you don't have that problem. I wish I could commiserate with them, but I JUST CANT! I usually just shup up and listen. I figure that it isn't helping anyone to talk about Brandon. Guys can't measure up and Girls cannot him him. He is mine. - PASS

2. Hotness Test - This test is a little more tricky. Obviously, I am biased, but I actually think that I pass this test too. Sometimes when I am at work, my sweetness (oh...I call him lots of adorable names) walks in without letting anyone know. My heart goes pitter patter and almost does belly flops on the ground. " out!!! I dont want you to step on my heart...please back up ma'am!" Seriously, I am surprised that I don't lose more body parts when I see him. So, as you can see [hands I am pointing to my heart], I melt when I see him. - PASS

3. Sickness Test - Although there was this one incident when my ear was about to fall off and the drums were going to split in 5 - and he didn't go to the hospital with me - and he ended up sleeping, I am here to say that he is amazing. He would do anything for me. He buys female protective period things for me with a pint of ice cream. He would heat up the best TheraFlu you could ever possibly imagine. He would build a fire out of rolled up newspaper and US Weekly Magazines (only after he had read it first) to keep me warm. He would gut the stomach of a dingo in Australia if he knew that it would provide me sustenance in a really tough time. (Although, how would we be in Australia if we were struggling?). Regardless of everything that I mentioned, the fact is........HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR ME!!!!!! - PASS

As you can see [picture whoever you want across from you], I am really lucky and just happy to be alive. It is so fun to be with him and I cannot wait for the future. Holy Shit.........please pinch me, 'cause this isn't real, IS IT?????

I FELT THAT!!! OUCH!!! It is real! :)

Thanks for coming to listen to me [insert person again]. So, tell me about your husband now?

[Silence ensues]

Thursday, March 5, 2009

dizzy little chat inspiration

In an effort to keep my love/addiction to writing alive, while I am temporarily unable to spend much time doing it (aka- fulltime job at Work, family commitments & a small obsession with getting through the P90X workout program... I am 49 days in!)- I am starting a new blog. This blog one is a nameless blog, about whatever I feel like writing about that day. I am really excited to see where it takes me and hope you occasionally like to come and see what's been going on. I'm thinking its going to be like you and I are at a coffee shop just talking, curled up in those comfy chairs. Our discussion of choice- random things that happened that day, funny things, stuff I want to become better at, challenges, and of course the occasional "are you freaking kidding me??" that MUST be documented.
I'm looking forward to our dizzy little chats- as you will see... the name is fitting to my personality. I'm always doing a million things, as I'm sure many of you are, and I love to talk about all of it!
Anyway, that's how this began.... so, I will see ya soon!


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