Friday, April 30, 2010


Today is the day I figured out the ending. Or at least AN ending for my book. This is a HUGE deal for me because I have never been able to clearly come up with an ending that I think would work. The funny thing is that when I started out this morning, I wasn't even working on the plot... and I certainly didn't think I would find my ending.

Today I tried a different exercise -I did entire character descriptions (at the suggestion of Timothy Hallinan, who I talked about yesterday. I wrote everything I knew about each of the main characters I intend to have in my story. What do they look like? Who makes up their family? What is their occupation? What is their character like? What is their 'mission' in the book? What are their flaws? How far are they willing to go to get what they want? What is important to them? What is their moral fiber like? What/who do that care about? I didn't think about it... I just wrote and wrote.

So in the middle of this, I had some crazy things happen... one thing is that someone I THOUGHT was a main character... well he's kind of out. I got to the end of the plot without him in it! Sad! I really kind of liked that character! Who knows, maybe he will find another purpose somewhere in the book that I don't know about yet.

The other thing that happened is that while I was describing their personalities and how they got to be WHO they are... THE PLOT EXPANDED AND THE ENDING APPEARED!

I dont know if it will end up being THE ENDING but at least I got my head around a possibility.

So my check-marks for the day:

  • words written today 2,309
  • characterizations
  • ending
aaaannnnddd we're back in business.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

writing goals

I've come across this website that has some really helpful information as far as becoming a writer.

(Thanks to Timothy Hallinan who came up with all this good stuff!!)

So after perusing the site, I decided that I am going to implement some of the suggestions. Such as:
Time/Word Count- I either have to spend three hours straight writing OR 1000 words MINIMUM a day.
In the block of time I reserve for writing, I will not do anything other than write, or sit there thinking about it. Or if I need to do some research, I will do that, but nothing else. No phone calls, no internet etc.

I read today that most books are on average somewhere between 80,000- 110,000 words. I have about 20,000 in my new version written. So I'd better keep going.

:) No time like the present....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

300 sq. ft.... Are you kidding me??

This is so amazing!! Makes me thankful for all of the space in my house!
Talk about creative use os space!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the countdown

In 13 days I will be here. The beautiful Cabo San Lucas!! I am so excited I cannot even tell you. We haven't been on a week vacation in four years! We invited a bunch of friends and it is going to be a party every day! I was reserving my excitement until I knew for sure we were going to go. Hubby has been swamped at work and I was pretty sure that we were going to have to postpone.... BUT I think since he's been so stressed, he is making sure that we take this vacation. I got really excited when he booked the plane tickets. :)

I have been gearing up for this for a while!! I have been working out and eating really healthy so that I will feel my best on the beach. I think I am the best shape that I have ever been!! I did the HCG diet (which I thought was going to KILL me, but MAN I got results and I learned a lot about the foods I eat and my caloric intake) and then I've been doing the P90X workouts with a little Turbo Jam mixed in six days a week. Sooooo Im totally beach ready! I went tanning yesterday ( I know I know... but I don't want to burn!!) and I've been having a glass of wine at night so that I have a little tolerance built up... hee hee. I'm kind of a light-weight! CABO... Here we come!!

As for my writing, it has been going well. Except for having writers block for the last few days. I have been trying different things to snap myself out of it... but Im just not sure where my plot goes from here.....

Its funny cuz as I watch movies, or read books, I have a different perspective on it now. I try to look for how plotlines are moved forward, how characters define themselves and try to figure out how the authors/writers came up with what happened next. But if you were to ask me how I came up with what I've done so far, I'd say I have no idea. I just wrote it. The characters just did things. When I'm really in a groove, I dont even feel like I made it up- its like I'm just watching a movie or something. I know it sounds nuts.

I am determined to move it forward today. Or else I will be sitting at my table staring at a blank screen for the next few hours. I will come back and report to make myself accountable!! See ya in little while!!

UPDATE: I successfully completed five pages. Not bad... wish it was more, but not bad.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well. So I haven't written for a while, with good reason. We've just had a lot going on and basically the picture says it all. Hubby has been working on a really big project at work and is under a HUGE amount of pressure. He handles stress REALLY well and he is SUPER STRESSED right now, which is saying something. I'm trying to be really supportive, but its hard for me because I want to be able to control something and I cant. I really cant help at all, which is a terrible feeling! Im the kind of person wants to be able to DO something about the situation.

Positive things to think about:

Its FINALLY warm outside
I ran 3 miles this morning (which is big for me because I have knee problems)
My dog loves me
My family is healthy
My stepdaughters are so sweet to me
I have good friends
We have health insurance
Hubby and I have a rock solid relationship
I have the freedom right now to schedule my day as I see fit
We have a vacation coming up - Cabo! Our first one in 4 years!
Hubby and I are both educated
We always land on our feet

Yes. So there. Everything will be fine... right? Right. I guess you have to believe that. Wish us luck... there's a LOT riding on the next few weeks.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

book review (and structure for going forward)

Book Review

***Disclaimer: I have not done book reviews before- this is just to help me work through how to write better in my head... and of course because I love to read. I will try not to spoil any major plot twists.

For each book I will cover the following categories:
What I loved
Not a fan of
As an aspiring author.... I will BOLD the things that I learned as I read about how to write more effectively.
The ratings will be based on 1-5 stars.

* Didn't finish the book... for a reason

** It was ok, nothing to rave about

*** Great book, enjoyed it, and would recommend it

**** Really loved the book, will definitely tell friends about it, learned a lot

***** A MUST READ, couldn't put it down, will be talking about this one for years to come

That being said.... here are some books I've read lately....

Story: This book is about Gemma Doyle, a 16 year old girl in the Victorian Era, who is sent to Spence Academy in London to learn her manners. She begins having visions and eventually figures out a way to get into "the realms," which is another world.

What I loved about this book: I loved the cleverness of the girls. It was so different for women back then, and if they wanted something, they had to be creative, and it a way, manipulate. I loved their wit. I also thought Libba Bray wrote beautifully.

Not a fan of: I was really into this book until a little over half way through, and then it started to get a little weird for me. It was more fantasy than I am used to and I found I didn't enjoy it as much. This was important for me because in my book, I am walking a line between fiction, mystery, thriller and fantasy. I realized that I didn't want to make the names of my characters, or the plot of the book too out there.
The other thing I didn't love was that I felt like there was such a big momentum to the middle of the book, and then I felt like the end was rushed. I want to be careful to not be so excited about finishing, that I lose my audience.

Rating: ***

One of my friends has read the second book in the series, and she said that one was much better. So I might reserve some judgement for when I read that one.

Story: Katness Everdeen is the heroine in this futuristic society where everyone has been destroyed except for a group of people that make up 12 districts. They are under the regime of the Capitol, who every year host the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are to be an example that there may be no more uprisings. There are two teenagers from 12-18 years old "chosen" from each district to participate in a fight-to-the-death. The last one standing wins.

What I loved: The way this story is written, it reads like a movie in your mind. I was captivated almost instantly. I don't know how this happened, but I didn't know it was part of a series, so when it ended, its a cliffhanger and I immediately went out and bought the second one, Catching Fire.
This was an excellent example for me of how to do a novel, somewhat fantasy, but not in a weird way. Suzanne Collins did a brilliant job of creating a whole world, where I really felt like I knew what certain areas, like The Seam, looked like. I didn't feel like this was too out there or crazy. You have to find a way to make the storyline believable- the destruction of life as we know it and that this is a futuristic setting, was how it is believable.
This book is crazy clever. I think Suzanne Collins is amazingly creative. I loved it!

Not a fan of: I actually can't think of anything that I wasn't a fan of. Although the premise is a horrific topic matter, I feel like Suzanne Collins did a wonderful job of describing everything.

Rating: ****

Story: (Book 2) Katness Everdeen's saga continues. I won't say more about this one cuz it will give away some of the first book!

What I loved: I think I loved all of the same things I did in the first book. I think the first one was a little more intense, but I still really enjoyed this one. The third book doesn't come out until August, so I will be looking forward to that since once again, there is a huge cliff hanger at the end. I think I love how creative the storyline is the most about this series. Very, very clever.

Not a fan of: Waiting til August to read the next one...

Rating: ****
Story: Julie Ashton is a writer that somewhat randomly ends up getting a letter from someone on the island of Guernsey, which is in the English Channel. The book is done in the early 1940's just after the German Occupation of the Island. The book is made up entirely of letters back and forth between different people. So at first it was a little hard to grasp what character was talking to whom, but I think it was a BRILLIANT way to do this story.
Julie ends up finding out about the "Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society," which was the cover name of a group of people that got together on the island. They were not allowed to be out after curfew, and one night they got caught and Elizabeth made up the name of the society to save them on the spot. They pretended to have a literary group, and so then they had to act as if they were really having it.

What I loved: I loved the whole thing. This book was actually given to me by a dear friend months ago, and Im ashamed to admit, I had picked up other ones in the meantime, as the title threw me off. I was thinking it was going to be a bit dry, to be honest. It was anything but. Im not sure what exactly it was that I fell in love with so much- the story, the clever way it was written, the characters, learning about what the people on the island went through during the war, the charmingness (I know its not a word...) of the island people- I'm not sure, but I really really loved this book. I want to try to make my characters as believable as these. I guess it is a little slower than books that normally captivate me, but I fell in love with the whole town and want to pick up and go live on Guernsey myself.
This book made me so thankful for my freedom, and it also made me want to slow down, and LIVE life, instead of rushing to get all sorts of things done.
This book was so charming! Another thing that I really loved was about the author and her niece. Mary Ann Shaffer passed away in February 2008, and her niece, Annie Barrows helped to finish the manuscript when Mary Ann became ill, shortly after it was sold. Mary Ann had worked on this book for many years, as she had gone to England to research another book, went to Guernsey briefly on her trip, and was fascinated by the people there. I loved that the niece stepped in when Mary Ann got too sick.

Not a fan of: Really nothing. Loved the whole thing. Go get it.

Rating: *****

Im still in the middle of "On the Brink," and hoping to have that one done sometime soon. It's a very dense read, and so I go back and forth between it and others.

I have really been enjoying reading lately, especially to sharpen my writing. I am trying to really read as a writer- meaning, I want the reading to help me become a better writer.

Well this was my first "book review" ever! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I spent mine with family and friends, and surprisingly, I have no crazy stories. I had a lovely time.
The painting above was what I painted for my mother for Easter.

I have been a little stuck in my book lately and have trying some different things for inspiration. I think mostly, I am stuck on how to keep showing things that happened in the past without having to go back in my character's mind all the time. I don't want to start earlier in the story, but there are some things that I should do more than a paragraph in passing about. So that's where I am a little stuck.

Today it started raining really hard for like four minutes. And I was all excited and thought what great writing weather... and then it stopped. We haven't had a good thunderstorm in... I have no idea how long. So, I decided to download a "thunderstorm." :) Isn't technology great?

So I closed all my blinds, to make it dark, and now I am imagining that its absolutely pouring outside. It really sounds like it!

This is me yesterday pre-Mimosas (YUM). Hubby and I had a MARVELOUS time before going out for our festivities. He really is my favorite person in the world to be with.

Annnnd Easter wouldn't be complete without this:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

tank top ooooorrrrr beanie??

What a difference a week makes.... the weather where I live is schizophrenic in the spring. This is us last Sunday...

And this is yesterday....

Seriously. I am sooo ready for spring!! Bring on the sun, flip flops, fruit and shades!

And my dog is having issues of his own:

Do I have anything on my face?


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