Which is worth a toast. Cheers.
When we got home, I swear I had some mexican bug for a week! I was kind of sick to my stomach, but more that than was the strange TIREDNESS that made me ache all day! Not like a "oh im worn out" tiredness. Like a "I cannot move off of this couch if you paid me and dangled a pair of new shoes" kind of tired.
So. Glad. Thats. Over. Anyway, Im trying to get back into the swing of things. So my last entry was that I had come up with an ending. And now I am not sure if that's how it should go or not. I'm feeling like I need someone to look at what I've done so far and tell me I'm on the right track or something. There are so very many ways that the story could go, and so I just don't know if I'm writing the right one. I wonder if other writers feel like that sometimes?
Maybe I need to join a writing group or something. But I kind of wanted to have it mostly written before I did that. I did run into something interesting when I was coming up with the ending. In my mind, I had sort of pegged this guy as the person that turns "bad" for lack of a better word. I was trying to develop him enough to where you really like him. And then this life altering terrible event occurs and changes him forever, causing him to do things he never would have done before. But I ran into a problem because I developed him so much that now I don't want him to turn. I just don't think his character would do a 180 like that.
From what I've read about this type of problem, which would be character vs. plot, character is always supposed to win out. But that kind of screws up my plan... I did figure out a way to overcome it, but Im not sure if its too predictable?
See, I need someone to tell me. But see I think IIII need to tell me. I need to work through it, and then when I figure it out, it will be so much more powerful than if someone else just told me.
I need to just get out of the overview and get into it. I've been trying to work out the plot, and that always screws me up. So there. New plan. Just write and see what happens.
Ok so my plan today is: reread the whole thing to get myself immersed again, then write at least three pages. There. That's a start. And you never get anywhere without a start.