Things that I currently regretting saying YES to:
1) My current job- Why did I think I should be in any sort of financial industry again?
2) To do everyone in my family's hair... I have kind of a big family...
3) To have a bunch of my mom's "overflow" house stuff in my basement...really, REALLY mom? Can we pu-leeze throw some of it away?? I PROMISE you won't miss it!
4) To do P90X again tonight- Ugh.... Tony is so demanding!
5) To have our personal health insurance come through my company- It's like crazy expensive and yet still chains me to my job since my husband is self employed.
6) To do the laundry (my LEAST favorite housework... I can do really really good up until the putting it away stage... I have been known to need to take clean laundry out of a basket in order to put the next week's clean laundry into it..) (But, just so you know... other than that, my house is pretty clean.. lest you think Im some sort of slob!)
Things I do not regret saying NO to:
1) No meat in my diet anymore- Damn you SkinnyBitch book. I went off of meat cold turkey (ha thats funny... REALLY no pun intended...)
2) Not to do hair at night after work- Come on, how much WORKING can a person TAKE in one day??
hmmm. why is it sooo much harder for me to think of things I have said NO to? I think I have a problem with being a "pleaser."
BUT, I digress...
Right now, I live for Friday's at 5:00. This is when I am the very most happy. It's like some sort of Zen settles on me and just makes everything fantastic. My favorite thing to do on the weekend is... lets see, what do we even call it? Wandering? Let me explain.
My husband and I begin by getting coffee or some sort of delicious beverage. We get into our car and have no particular plan. We just... end up.. places. Its so fun because it's never the same and we never get bored of doing it! Some places our "wanderings" have taken us: all sorts of model homes, fairs, every kind of store imaginable, canyons, other states, family's houses, car shopping, movies, farmer's markets, lots of restaurants, Vegas... ok ok, it was when we lived there... I guess I could go on but how can I infuse the FUN-NESS that we feel, into this description? Maybe I will have to take pictures and show you what I mean.
Im sure part of it is because luckily I am married to the best man in the world (sorry girls... hopefully there are some good runner's up out there for ya) and we genuinely have the best time together. He's really really funny so most of our wanderings, he is cracking me up about something or other.
Anyway, it is our favorite past time and very "us-ish."
Im hoping my weekend will consist of some wanderings with my man, through our city (Not really sure if I can call it a city... well, where I live) and possible a movie or two, followed by some wine and time to work on my book.
I hope that you all have a great Friday and a lovely weekend. Spend it with people you love, doing things you love, and feel free to be honest with yourself and say NO if you don't want to do something. It's ok, just say the dizzy little chat girl gave you permission.
signing off....