Tuesday, August 31, 2010

mock-up book jacket summaries

Today I wrote mock-up summaries for the book jackets for books one and two. I think there will ultimately be three. I have the beginning of book one, beginning and middle of book two started. There will be a lot of reworking since the plot has kind of evolved, but at least I have a direction.

It was really helpful for me to do the book jacket summaries because it helped me get my head around the big picture story. The storyline and premises are pretty complex, so its always been kind of hard for me to "sum it up." So this was a really good exercise for me.

I read it to one of my sisters and she was really excited, which made me even more excited. She said she knew I was a good writer, but that THIS was REALLY good. She couldn't wait to hear more. I know she's totally biased and of course she would like it, but it was nice to have some positive feedback. I haven't shared very much this time around, which has made me more comfortable, because I don't have to have any sort of judgements before its "perfected" but it also has taken some of the fun out of it. I loved hearing that someone liked my story. It made it that much more fun to pick up where I left off and push through when I didn't know where to take it.

Things are coming together more, the more I work on it. I have some exciting and very moving scenes coming up which Im really excited to work on. First I have to finish the "re-work" of the chapters I already have, but Im not too far off of that. Im hoping by next Wednesday to be done with that part and moving on.

I am really loving writing and being creative. It is so much fun to work from home and create as I go. I love it when I get in a groove and I feel like I'm just watching a movie, not the one actually making it up.

If you are writing and ever get stuck, try to back and out do a big picture exercise. The mock-up book jacket summaries really helped me get my head around things. There is a huge thrill that comes with thinking about when it will be done, when the story will be all out of my head and down on the paper. Writing the summaries made it seem closer.

Gotta go write some more!!

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