Wednesday, August 4, 2010

my love affair with rainy days

the smell of a rainstorm. there's nothing better.

Today we got a reprieve from the hot hot hot weather, when the angry sky opened itself up and let loose. For some reason, stormy & grey weather= best writing weather for me. Not really sure why that is, but whenever it is like this outside, I get really excited to be at my computer all day long. I get in my most comfy clothes, make a hot cup of coffee and hunker down on my chaise lounge, with Max snuggled beside me.

I've been working through my manuscript again, with a fresh perspective because I have been doing summer-kid-travel-stuff, which has been wonderful. I truly have enjoyed myself this summer, and that's the first time in YEARS I have been able to say that. I am happy as a clam. Loving making my own schedule and doing things I care about with my family and friends.

Im excited to move things forward again on my book. Maybe sometime soon I'll put some on here so you can have an excerpt. maybe.

Now that its August, today I got the first glimpse of the summer winding down a bit. Im sure we will still have hot weather for a while, but by the end of august I always start feeling that Fall is right around the corner, and FALL is my FAVORITE time of year!! Im ready for the scarfs, gorgeous trees and colors, crispness in the air, football games, hot drinks and holidays. I love how the evenings here get cool and I can bundle up under warm blankets on the back porch and still be outside. I just love the feel of fall. Its the best!

I took this picture last fall up the canyon... see why Im excited?

August always goes really fast getting things ready for the kids to go back to school, and both the Twins and Hubby have birthdays this month- they are only a day apart!

Things have been crazy lately with Hubby's job, and we purchased some additional assets from another company and are working to get everything closed by mid-September. He had been working NONSTOP and I have just been trying to hold everything else together so that he doesn't have so much pressure on him. Im really excited that things are working out for him because this transaction is going to be a really big deal. He has also had to travel A LOT, which I am not a fan of, but occasionally I get to go with him and that's always fun.

Found another great blog I will be adding to my sidereel. I love the way she writes!!

Confession: My most recent obsession has been with LOST. I always knew I should watch it, but I had too many other shows T-Voed and let's be honest... you can only watch so much TV. So I saved it for this summer and I've been completely entangled in its web of confusion. I have been flying through the episodes at night- its my guilty pleasure. I thought there were 7 seasons and I had up to Season 5 on Netflix (which if you don't have Netflix... seriously best things since sliced bread. Don't ask questions, just subscribe.) But much to my dismay, my sister informed me late last night that there are only 6 seasons.... and that the Sixth Season isn't even out yet!!

Quickly I realized that if that was true... I only had three episodes left until I would have to wait for the final season! Is it bad that I had a minor panic attack that I will have to take a break from the Oceanic 6?? I was captivated by the clever story-line and the development of the characters. I'm chalking it up to good research for writing. That works, right???

It is crazy outside right now.... thunder... lightning... pouring rain... the smell...

...and so Im ready to pick up again with my long lost love affair with stormy weather.
Summer and I are officially on hiatus.

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