Friday, March 1, 2013

same song second verse

Been doing a lot of wake. coffee. eat. clean/feed/playwithbaby. write. edit. audiobook. workout. wine. sleep.  I feel like I'm in a process loop- or same song-second verse, as my late great grandma TuTu used to say.  I haven't been posting very well because I'm in the middle of a big edit and I just want to FINISH, so every single spare second I snag my macbook air and write until my fingers bleed.  Whenever I  have to do stuff around the house or drive somewhere, I'm listening to an audiobook, which is awesome because it makes the time fly by and I get through a lot of books quickly, hopefully sharpening my writing skills along the way!

My hubby finally finished and gave me a bunch of feedback on my book- hence the big edit I'm inundated with, so I want to publicly thank him for all of his help and suggestions.  He's sort of a freaking genius.  

A little while ago I mentioned how bad I've been wanting to get out of town and now we're doing it!  We are going to Cabo at the end of this month sans baby doll, which I'm totally freaking out about, but trying not to.  He will be with my mother, who raised 6 kids... so that should go ok right?  I'm trying so very hard to be ok with it...  I console myself by thinking how he won't even remember it.  Is that bad that's the only way I can get around it?  I'm a first time mama- I'm letting myself off the hook.

I went to an AMAZING conference with the motivational speaker named Danille Laporte, who I LOVED!  I learned so much from her and I'm reading her book now called, "The Fire Starter Sessions."  I typically shun anything self-help-ish... I don't know why they always rub me the wrong way, but this one was fantastic.  Totally got me motivated!  I'll have to do an entire post dedicated to what I've learned from her sometime.

But for now... on to editing!  I've never been more exited about FINISHING my book than right now!  I'll try to post more regularly!  Have a great weekend!!


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