Saturday, February 27, 2010

Currently: blogging from my kitchen table
Wishing for: a glass of red wine
Contemplating: evening spent with new friends, needing to upload a profile pic to this site
Accomplished: most of the outline for my book this week
Current stumbling block: Crazy clever ending

3 new blogs I found today that I love:

Feeling: inspired by the creativity of others
Excited about: new projects and being artsy again
Eyeing: the dove chocolate eggs on my table
Resisting: the dove chocolate eggs on my table
Abandoning: getting into bed early and reading
Looking forward to: a trip to sunny las vegas in a week to visit my best friend
Excited for: this movie to come out

Content: to be me

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

deeeeear lover of all that is creative...

Deeeeeear lover of all that is creative.... Please help me. I am a...







Hold me.
Love, PWA
(plain white armoire)

dizzylittlechatgirl: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.


Insert comment from fellow bloggers: "is that wallpaper along with the paint??"

dizzylittlechatgirl: why yes it is.

I know... seems a little crazy. But just trust me.....

I will take this sad little armoire from this..

(wait for it.... wait for it.........)

and with a little more TLC....

and a LOT more coats of paint ...and touchups... (are you kidding me with the bubblieness of the edges of the freaking wall-paper I picked so it makes it close to impossible to cut in a perfect paint line???)

*****the pictures do not reflect the hours spent over the weekend it took to shape up said shabby furniture....

..... now we're talkin....

its the little details that make it...

you LOVE the texture dont you?? mmhhhmm.

a beauty...

full of personality and character!!
told ya.

Dear Snazzy Armoire,
Live it up- you are beautiful!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Famous Fridays with D

becoming a writer, friday february 19th:

7:30 a.m. coffee & read "wall street journal" (one of my goals to further expand my knowledge base)
8:30 a.m. drive to starbucks on 90th s & 13th e to meet with D (purchase MORE coffee. YUM)

***D and I are both working on books- totally different types- and have decided to commit to meeting once a week to work on our books together. We have dubbed our get-togethers "Famous Fridays" which is totally corny, but its fun to have a ridiculous name to alliterate Friday. Plus, we both want to be best sellers, of course, so we figured it was fitting.

9:00-9:30 a.m. We take turns sharing where we are with our books, any frustrations, and where our plan of how to get where we want to be. We also discuss some details of the chapters and our Current Status-

My current status: I have about 150 pages written. I have rewritten large sections twice-
  • 80 pages in: I decided that I no longer wanted to write it from the 1st person perspective. I wanted the readers to be able to get insights into more than just my main character's head. I was kicking myself the whole rewrite but I guess it was a good learning experience.
  • 110 pages in: I decided to take the book in a completely different direction. Originally my main character, Maya, was an advertising exec. in LA and the story-line was more of a crazy love triangle with some interesting twists. But, after some discussion with my husband, I decided that I wanted it to be a mystery, because that is the type of books that I read and love. Soooo I changed the location to San Francisco, and my main character is now a detective who is going to be trying to solve a complex serial killer mystery.
Then not too long after that, I decided that I wanted to add in a murder to the beginning of the book. So that wasn't a total rewrite, but I have had to add things in throughout what I have written to tie in the first murder. That was about where I was when I began working for my last company.

My job was pretty demanding and it left little time and no creative energy for me to work on my book. I was also feeling like at this point, I needed a very CLEAR direction to take the book.

I typically write and write and write- letting the characters take me where they take me. I've never been one to effectively use outlines. In fact in high school and college, if I ever had to turn in an outline, I WROTE the paper first, and then outlined what I'd written. However, what I've learned is that with a plotline as complex as Im making it, I NEED to outline in order to have a cohesive and compelling story. So, right now Im working on the outline and making sure I am completely CLEAR on where I am, where my characters are going, and the timing of moving the plot forward.

9:30- 11:30 a.m. Write. Work on solidifying outline. So far I have Chapters 1-21 outlined.
11:30a.m.-12:00p.m. Discuss what we worked on. Read each other small excerpts. Gave feedback.

Things to work on: Develop timeline for completion of book. Establish a writing pattern.
My writing pattern:
  • Read paper
  • Work out
  • 30 minutes to blog (this will float times throughout the day)
  • 30 min-1 hour: READ. Commitment to always be reading something in my genre and something out of my genre.
  • Work on the rewrite for the bulk of the day
  • Write something new to keep it exciting
  • Observation- Once a week I will go to a public place and just observe people's behavior. I will write for 1/2 hour on my observation.
  • Famous Fridays with D
I am really excited about having a PLAN and finally getting back to something I love. One of the things D and I talked about today is just believing in yourself and not giving up. Everyone that has ever had a major accomplishment will tell you that there were many times when they wanted to give up, but that the key to success was, in the words of the great Michael Scott "never ever, EVER give up."

Have a good one!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

be mine

Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope that everyone feels LOVED and ADORED today.

I've had a really fun weekend. My girls and I made yummy sugar cookies in the shape of hearts and decorated them. I have forgotten how freaking YUMMY sugar cookies are. Seriously... STOP ME. We also have a special Valentines Day dinner prepared for Hubby/Daddy later. The girls are really excited about it. We did half of it last night- the twins got jammies from their daddy and the oldest got skull-candy headphones. They also each received two roses delivered at school on friday from their daddy. I KNOW. See why I love this man??

A V-Day Tribute
(warning... sappiness to ensue...)
I have been with my husband for 7 1/2 years and we have been happily married for 5 1/2. In all honesty, he is my best friend and I am the happiest married person I know. I feel so lucky every day to have him by my side. He is brilliant, hilarious, handsome and sweet. Here are some little things that I think make our marriage as happy as it is:

1) We have coffee together every morning. He prides himself on making me delicious coffee with just the right amount of creamer. We sit at our table and talk or read the paper... or he reads and I try to talk to him (he says talking AT him is not the same as talking WITH him, but I think that's just semantics...). Either way, I love cherish these times when my hair is crazy and I have no make up on and he looks so handsome in his suit and tie and the world shrinks to be JUST US.

2) We champion each other. He always has my back. To anyone. Anytime. Always. And I do the same for him. Life has enough challenges in it- there's no reason to tear each other down. Plus, nothing feels better than having someone BELIEVE in you and really be behind you. I love knowing, and hearing him say to other people, that he thinks Im brilliant, and beautiful and a great mommy to his girls. It means a lot to have him still say sweet things about me after all the years.

3) We laugh. All the time. Seriously, no one makes me laugh at things more than him. He is especially, and almost strangely, witty in the morning and it is not uncommon for me to be reduced to side-splitting laughter before 8am. We laugh at ourselves. We laugh at all the ridiculousness in the world. We laugh at the stupid people we have to deal with during the day. We laugh at our families. We laugh at our dog. We laugh at each other (wait... I meant to say WITH each other...). His sense of humor is a top contender for my very most favorite quality in him.

4) We hang out. There is no one I'd rather spend time with. A woman I really admire once told me to "be in each other's space." Both of us are very busy, and we enjoy different things, but we both make a point to be together. Take right now for instance. Hubby is watching the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am and Im sitting on the couch with him blogging.

(as an aside, something I LOVE about him right now is how cute he looks in his jammies)

5) We dream-build. Im not exactly sure when this started... well I guess we've done it from the very beginning. One of my favorite past times is we go get Starbucks and then we just drive around and look at homes, or different places in the area and talk about the things we want- our "someday" house- the pool in a big yard with music playing in the background, and the sweet office he will have in the back of the house; and we love to entertain, so we want a house that can be filled with our friends. Its more about cultivating a life for our family than a big house or specific things. We just talk about all the things we want and are striving for. These dream-building drives take us all sorts of places- stores interesting buildings in our city, little places downtown and up the canyons. We also do this while we are on vacation, which is even more fun. I think that one of his business partners came up with the term "dream-building," which may sound trite, but I kind of like it. No one gets anywhere unless they've thought about wanting it.

6) We tag-team. There are a lot of things that can bog down relationships- like our responsibilities as parents, keeping the house going, errands and of course working. I am really lucky in that my husband is all for helping out around the house. We are both willing to take turns doing things that need to get done. A lot of times we do things together, but we also are considerate of one another and both try to help out, and realize that we have energy at different times and sometimes and one of us will always step in when the other needs a break. It really is so refreshing when I just cant DO anymore in a day, he he just takes care of the dishes- without me saying anything. And then he also doesn't make me feel bad for chilling on the couch and WATCHING him do them. :) Of course I will do the same for him.

7) We say it. Im not a high maintenance woman, in the typical sense. But, Hubby has kindly pointed out to me that I AM high maintenance in that I like verbal affirmation. I dont think he used to be the kind of guy who always said stuff, but I think I've rubbed off on him. :) I tell him I love him and that he looks so handsome all the time. BUT- its not just flippant- I only say it when I really mean it... I just mean it all the time. I tell him he's brilliant, because I LOVE hearing about how he rocks his office. I tell him that he looks freaking HOT in his suit (that I want to rip off of him). Sometimes I'lI text him that Im thinking of him during the day. I love knowing what I mean to him and Im really glad that he is comfortable telling me. Three little words, yet they mean so much.

8) We snuggle. I am well aware that we are in maybe a 2% bracket of people that actually still snuggle, but we do. We are talking pretzel. And I LOVE it. There is nothing that makes me feel more loved and safe than my tall strong man pulling me close and cuddling.

9) We keep it sexy. We both work out. We try to eat healthy and take care of ourselves. I still try to dress nice for him (well, and for myself. Im kinda funny with wanting to look pretty all the time.) We are both up for trying new things or adding in a naughty little nighty or . He still flirts with me and gives me those "come here" eyes. He is romantic with me and sexy as hell. We keep it spicy without really even trying.

10) We realize what we've got. I always say how lucky I am, and I KNOW that I am. We still have people mistake us for newlyweds. One time we were out to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and we had gotten a glass of wine while we were waiting. I hadn't realized how engrossed I was in our conversation until a woman touched my arm on her way out and whispered to me "Tonight's the night- he's going to propose for sure!" as she squeezed my arm and walked out the door. We always say how no one has what we have. And I love that- because it makes it... hallowed..(this is funny because I just asked him what another word for sacred or special is... and he said hallowed. I was like, "no, something else." And he says "what's wrong with hallowed? thats a perfect word." and then Im laughing saying... "nooo you wont want hallowed, trust me." He says, "I want hallowed. Hallowed will be fine. What are you writing anyway??")

See what I mean? I know what I've got. :)

Love you baby!! Happy Valentines day to my lover and our HALLOWED relationship!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sending thoughts to Nienie this morning, as she is one of the most courageous and inspiration women I know, and is battling right now. Can I say I know her... - I feel like I do. I met her once, and gave her a big hug. She is truly amazing and I have been captivated by her story.

Stephanie is the mother of 4 beautiful children, and has been an award winning blogger. She survived a almost fatal plane crash with her husband. She was badly burned and has been trying to recover this last year. She has has many hurdles and has made a lot of progress. If you have not spent time on her blog, I recommend it. I know I was lost for hours in her archives.

Sending all the strength, motivation, hope and love your way, Nienie. Keep going girl! We are all cheering you on!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You mean you weren't expecting me?

...What? What's that you say? Wou weren't expecting me to write again for... at least two or three more months? I know, right?

So during the 'time-that-must-not-be-mentioned' aka my old job, occasionally I would have a spare minute to check on this little website of authors that have published with Harper Collins. So I kind of became obsessed with trying to extract all of the hidden writing gems that writers readily share with others (because what is more fun for people that love to write than to tell people HOW to write?). I admit, there was some sifting, trying to get to authors I connected with, but I did get a lot of helpful information (THANK YOU HARPER COLLINS). And this website kept me going with a purpose that I KNEW someday I would get that chance to work towards. I wanted to have done all the research possible by the time I was able to write seriously.

Across the board, one of the tips that was given was that while you are writing is to READ. Foremost read your genre, but read, read, read as much as you can on an many different topics as you can. I have always been an avid reader (if my husband ever needed some guy time... he'd be like, "sweetie... lets go get you a book.... I really want you to be able to do what you love and......" which sounds a lot like "I just want to be able to play Xbox. What's a guy gotta do???") and I have been known to read entire books in just a few days. Plus its funny that he KNOWS I know what he's doing, so he has this little smirk when he says it.

So last night, Hubby comes home and has had a great day at the office and says he wants to take me to Barnes and Noble for coffee. We had a great time just hanging out. I love this man.

Anyway, we came out with a selection of books (to add to a stack I already had waiting), white peppermint mochas (with half the pumps... and you MUST try this drink. Seriously.) and I then proceeded to chat off my husbands ear until after midnight (he KNEW better than to give me coffee at 9 at night).

Ok, selections.... drumroll please??? (in no particular order...)

    On the Brink- Henry M. Paulson Jr.

The Shack- Wm. Paul Young

The Brass Verdict

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society- Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows

Lovely Bones- Alice Sebold

If I am Missing or Dead- Janine Latus

Hold Tight- Harlan Coben

The Book of the Dead- Patricia Cornwell

Ta-Du! Yeah I think that should keep me pretty occupied for a while, so luckily Hubby can answer the CALL OF DUTY. I am really so excited.

I've already jumped into:

  • Lovely Bones- Had a hard time right in the beginning with child murder. Hoping to get past it soon. And NO I haven't seen the movie... nor will I, until I finish the book. Don't go spoiling it for me, mmkay?

  • The Brass Verdict- Loving this one. I love mysteries and detective and or lawyer stories. Always enjoy Michael Connelly books.

  • Bright Lights Big Ass- Jen, can I call her just Jen? I totally feel like I know her and that maybe we've had cocktails in another life. I've loved her since her first book, Bitter is the New Black. I also follow her blog. Im excited to see if I enjoy this one as much as the first.

  • On the Brink- Totally into this one. I read 60 pages today. I was in the financial industry before this and so I am really interested to see his perspective. So far its been a great read. He explains things well and it is a captivating narrative.

So friends, consider yourself on notice. You should be hearing from me with greater regularity... (I know, you are totally going to lose sleep over this tonight because you are so excited about when I will post again right?)

Signing off for the night,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Free.. at long last....

Monday, Monday.... you've never looked so good! Normally on mondays Im preparing for a series of meetings in which I will most certainly become numb and antsy... and be thinking, ITS ONLY MONDAY. I HAVE SOOOOO MANY MORE DAYS BEFORE THE WEEKEND. I AM GOING TO DIE.


I resigned from my day job!

I am going to write full-time! I cannot even begin to tell you how thankful I am for this amazing opportunity. These last few years have been really hard for me, and NOW it is all going to pay off! Here are some things you will NOT find me doing:
  • Answering to anyone but myself
  • Sitting in mmmeeeeeeeeeetttttiiiinnngggs
  • Getting dressed for work- all conservative (aka booorrrriiing, and not so cute)
  • Maintaining a CONSTANT high level of stress
  • Giving up things that are important to me
  • Waking up in the middle of the night in a panic that I did not do something vital
  • Trying to maintain professionalism whilst dealing with people that are.... what is a nice way of saying sometimes my boss was an ass?
  • Doing a million variations of paperwork paperwork paperwork
  • Missing my girl's games/recitals/projects/laughing
  • Trying to get ahead only to realize I am trying to run up a downward escalator
Here are some things I could be found doing at any given moment from NOW on:
  • Making a hot cup of coffee in the morning and chatting with Hubby before work
  • Writing with my laptop.... at the window seat, on the couch, at Starbucks, in my big comfy chair, at the beach, in my kitchen nook, on an airplane, in my backyard, on vacation... how much to I LOVE my mobile office???
  • Cuddled up with my dog whilst reading to keep up on all of the different genres, keeping my mind always nimble and soaking up new things
  • Lunching with friends... and reconnecting with people I love
  • Spending time with Hubby. I cannot even tell you how much I love and adore this man
  • Working out- P90X Im back!
  • Smiling. All. The. Time.


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