Sunday, July 11, 2010

red wine

there are days. days when the ending of the day is the best part. the days where you were worn out and all you want in the world is to unwind. this brings me to my friend, red wine. hello old friend. so glad you could make it.

red wine and I are closing the end of this long day. dont get me wrong, it was a great day. last night I took seven super happy, screaming girls to the justin bieber concert and they screamed until their voices were gone. then they all slept over. this morning I made a yummy breakfast for them and then gave free haircuts. then my dad showed up for a cut too. then I went grocery shopping and cleaned and cleaned. we grilled for dinner- YUM! nothing better than the summer! and this day was NOT going to end with me fixing the freaking gate lock. its been broken for far too long and Im always worried maxdog will get out. no matter that the drill isn't charged and i have to keep switching battery packs in-between screws. or that its after 9:30 and pretty much dark. no problem. red wine and I can fix it.

in fact red wine and I are pretty much invincible.

I am so excited because tomorrow my best friend is coming in town to visit for the week with her son and I have all these fun things planned. more than anything, I am excited to just laugh and talk and talk and laugh some more and just enjoy her company. there is nothing like seeing someone that you just fall back into where you left off. I think that's what makes a friend that stands the test of time.

red wine and I are like that too. :) pretty sure red wine will always be the best way to finish off any day.

dear red wine...

you complete me.

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