Thursday, August 12, 2010

vantage point

Did you ever see that movie Vantage Point? The one where all of these people in a crowd witnessed the same assassination, but everyone interviewed had totally different perspectives? To the point that it almost seemed like they weren't even in the same place?

I think my family is the live version of that. I come from a large family, and while we are close, our relationships have become very interesting in the last few years. There have been several... fractures, we'll call them. The main fractures stemmed from a few major topics: religion, life choices, drugs, and then my parents also got divorced, and my dad remarried. Soooo to put it mildly, we've had a lot going on.

Everyone has a different perspective on each incident, and sometimes we feed off of each other. So if someone is really upset about something, it can spread like wildfire through the rest of us. Or, sometimes, there will be differences of opinion and thats when it gets kind of messy.

At the beginning of the summer we had what I will refer to as "The Incident." Something happened with my youngest brother, who was still living at home with my mom. My mom ended up calling the police and my brother was issued a citation.


Everyone has a different take on WHAT exactly happened that day, and the motivations behind it and WHY things happened the way they did. Subsequently there ramifications... which resulted in my brother moving in with my dad, and now he won't talk to my mom.

So the weird thing is, I can hear my dad's side of the story, and completely agree with his logic. But then I hear what my mom was thinking, and I totally get where she was coming from. Unfortunately, its my brother that is caught in the middle, and he has his own perspective on it, which is motivating his current actions.

It is AMAZING to me how different they each remember The Incident. I mean there are seriously completely different stories!

I feel bad that the vantage points of the issue are so different. Because it ends up dividing further and causing deeper wounds to all involved. I don't for one second think any of them is anything but completely convinced how they remember it is the absolute truth. No one is fabricating. They just remember it differently.

Its a paradox. Without a resolution.

FOLLOW-UP on yesterday's INTENTION: 88% success rate. I did work out, clean my house, & work on my manuscript. I did not finish the chapter, but at least I put some time in. I decided that my next painting will be of this rowboat in the water.

TODAY's INTENTION: Today Im doing upper body for my workout. My knee is killing from yesterday (I did Chalene Johnson's Turbo Jam II- I love her!!) I have two clients coming for hair appointments and then Hubby gets home. YAY!! Tonight is my girls "meet the teacher" at their school. So I don't think I will get a lot of writing done today. :(

I am sooo excited to see Hubby. He hasnt been home in a while and I miss him so much!

Hope everyone has a great day filled with INTENTION and PURPOSE.

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