Thursday, July 26, 2012


Love it or hate it, Twilight has created a media frenzy for the last several years.  At some point you just have to succumb and read it, don't you?  What I love about it most is this:  Stephanie Meyer was virtually unknown and then knocks it out of the park on her debut novel.  That's basically every writer's dream.

I jumped on the vampire bandwagon in the beginning, mostly because it was completely inspiring to see a writer get that kind of recognition.  I'll forego my personal opinion about the book, writing and plot, suffice to say that I read all the books... except for the last 50 pages of the Breaking Dawn.  I know, I know.  I just had lost all interest by then.  I put it down one day... and just never picked it back up.  Sorry Stephanie.
Anyway, I've been thinking lately about how varied public opinion of EVERYTHING is.  Take the new Batman movie- The Dark Knight Rises.  Personally, I loved it.  I thought the story, filming and characters were fantastic.  I wasn't sure Christopher Nolan could top the second one, but I was pleasantly surprised that it at least rivaled, or beat, the second Batman movie.  That being said, I've heard opinions that run the gamut.  On facebook, one of my friends commented about liking the second one much better, spurring a heated debate with a zillion comments.  Some of the comments were so ruthless, it got me thinking how no matter what you do, there will always be someone chirping from the cheap seats, pointing out every flaw or what they could have done better.  

This is a little nerve-wracking as an aspiring writer, and something I'll definitely need to get over.  The saying "haters gonna hate" looms in my mind, and strangely gives some comfort.  It's impossible to please everyone, so if you know going in that you can't, it takes the pressure off.

So... that brings me back around to our Edward-Bella-Jacob drama.  I was recently shown this website, which I thought I wouldn't like at all, because it's basically just showcasing everything incorrect or ridiculous in all of the Twilight books.  As someone who is taking that leap, and leaving it all out on the table for the public as I continue writing my own book, I tend to steer away from blogs like that.  

But.  It's pretty freaking funny.  And worthy of a few minutes of your time, for a laugh.   

Without further ado... I give you... Reasoning With Vampires.  Go ahead.  I'll wait for you....

And of course there's the recent real life drama with Kristen Stewart cheating on poor Rob, who apparently was going to propose.  So much for Team Edward- let's create Team Dump Kristen.  That's totally off topic, but Us Weekly has a way of bombarding erroneous tidbits of information unsuspecting people waiting in lines at grocery stores.  For a hilarious account of a similar grocery shopping experience, go here.     

Being in the public eye can be rough, but I guess that's the price you have to be willing to pay if you want to make it.  And I want to make it.  So, I guess I've got some thick skin to grow.  

Do you express your opinion in group settings?  Do you feel like you could be scrutinized in the public eye?  Should Rob leave Kristen (ohhh the drama)?  Is there something you desperately want to accomplish but are leery that you would be exposed in some way?  Thoughts on Twilight-mania?  Batman DNR?  If you haven't seen it.. Go!

Until next time... 
(I promise I'll really try to post on Wednesday like I said I would and have yet to do)



  1. I knew that website was too funny not to share. Mean, and kinda scary as a writer, but so funny still. And I feel like it teaches me a lot about what not to do in my writing - like a "watch out for these stupid mistakes" course.

  2. Seriously so funny! Thanks for sharing! I actually like your point and I will look at it that way too! :)



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